ABM Partner


About Netwomen

Elevating Ambitious Women Across the Globe

Netwomen helps organisations increase profits by attracting, retaining and elevating talented female leaders to bridge the gender gap and keep them there. Netwomen does this through inclusive leadership training and professional development.

They also offer additional support through leadership coaching, peer connection and global DEIB sessions. Helping fast track new hires and middle management to the top to create inclusive leadership. Netwomen also invites senior leaders to be role models, lifting each other up and paying it forward. Organisations can sponsor their ambitious talent to join our programs or our membership.

Create equity. Celebrate equality.

The mission is a 50/50 gender split, to move the needle on DEI and gender equality for an equitable world. And to empower 1million people by 2027.

‍ABM x Netwomen: Member benefits

As part of the ABM Partnership with Netwomen, ABM Members can benefit from:

  • ABM members may wish to join the Netwomen community to deliver mentoring
  • ABM mentors are recommended to members of the Netwomen community
  • Preferential rates for Female ABM members to access the Netwomen community
  • Preferential rates for ABM members to access DEI training
  • Collaboration with on-line and in person events to raise the profile of DEI needs
  • Access to DEIB panel discussion every quarter where ABM panelists collaborate with
    Netwomen existing panel discussion to deliver a discussion about mentoring and DEI

To get access to the applicable discount codes, please get in touch with us or log into your ABM Members Area and visit the applicable partner page.

‍ABM x Netwomen: Meet Netwomen founder & ABM Member Pinky Ghadiali

During this ABM Partner interview, ABM Director Gary King and Netwomen CEO Pinky Ghadiali discuss the vision of Netwomen as well as partner benefits for ABM members.